Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fear and Loathing in Milwaukee?

It's true. Only 4 days after I graduate from UNCW's MBA program we will be on our way to the Land of Oz -- a trip we've been trying to take since 2002. We're excited in our own ways and I'm sure as the date gets closer that will only grow. At the same time I have heard so much about Australia and seen so many pictures and spent so many hours daydreaming about what it must be like that in some ways I feel like this will only be a trip around the corner to another neighborhood, or Milwaukee. Somewhere new, but not foreign. This is good for me. I am not afraid of Milwaukee. I am however afraid of the following things:
  1. Spiders
  2. Sharks
  3. Snakes
  4. Friendly, Outgoing People
All of these things Australia has in abundance. Jason has chided me for googling "scary things in Australia" and "things to fear in Australia" (neither yielded anything interesting), and then the following conversation ensued:

Jada: I'm not sure that I'm really afraid of snakes, except if they are very close and dangerous.
Jason: It's likely that we'll see at least one brown snake in Australia.
Jada: Yeah, but are they venomous?
Jason: Yeah! They're only the most venomous snake in the world or something! They could easily kill you.

Ah, it's a thin line men walk, reluctantly shouldering the fears of the more delicate sex and then inviting us to the cinema to see Cloverfield. Sounds like a self-perpetuating cycle to me, which means I will no longer feel guilty about leaving the creepy-crawly killing and clean up to the man of this house.

My original point, I suppose, was to observe that the world is much smaller these days with all the information and easy access we have to it. This Knowing opens the possibility of adventure up to calculating and timid risk-takers like myself, while also informing me of all the possible things that could go wrong. Is that better then? Bother.

"It's a dangerous business, stepping out your front door, if you don't keep your feet, there's no telling where you'll be swept off." - Bilbo Baggins

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