Saturday, March 22, 2008

Spring Rising

It's the day before Easter and due to be the most gorgeous day of the week. J is still in bed and I am finishing up my first bowl-sized cup of tea for the morning. We are continuing our Easter tradition of fasting from sun up today until sun up tomorrow when we will celebrate the risen Christ and the true meaning of breakfast in ways that IHOP cannot imagine. I suppose telling folks about our new tradition is technically a scriptural no-no, but I am frequently torn because I would love to invite others to join us. Last year we fasted with D and April and D's friend Jamie and the feeling of solidarity and shared meaning was lovely in my mind. I enjoyed the thought that we were all experiencing the day together and yet in our own unique ways--a mini God analogy right there. And since, between J's evangelical background and my amalgamation of Catholicism and hippie-like Spiritualism we are technically in a multi-religious relationship, forming new traditions has become an important bonding/coping mechanism. I threw coping in there because I am the nostalgic one that still craves my annual fix of incense and palm fronds.


All that being said, staying busy today is the name of the game and it's a perfect day for playing in the garden. I'd like to hunt down some pink camellias having satisfied myself that the camellias in the college boys' yard didn't die after the past year's drought and confirmed neglect. J did start a rain barrel project which I am excited about, but I plan on using that for my vegetable garden and continuing with my personal conviction not to water landscaping. Right now that works perfectly because we have no landscaping to speak of. Our master plan goes as far as camellias.

Speaking of a master plan, J and I attended the home expo a few weeks back and managed to win $1000 in free flooring from (insert shameless plug here). Who knew something as fun as flooring could be such a disaster to agree upon? What will add resale value, feel good, be sustainable, add warmth, eliminate cleaning, fit our budget, and match anything we decide to do in the future? Considering it is a wonder that I can even coordinate enough to dress myself in the morning (Can I hear an "Amen!" for 12 years of school uniforms?), I'm not sure how to satisfy all of the issues that need to be considered in this suddenly earth-shaking decision. At the root of it J and I are yuppie snobs with a miniature budget who shudder at the thought of laminate but can't afford bamboo. The worst kind, really. Right now it looks like Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with chocolate grout, and sand colored tile. I'm sure we'll keep you posted with all the scintillating details.

In the meantime, there is a bluebird couple expressing interest in the available real estate recently installed in our front yard. From the sound of their conversation I think he likes the fact that the roof is new, but she is unsure about the neighborhood. Perhaps some bright annuals and a few pink camellias will change her mind. I'm off to the greenhouse.

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